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Tomorrow with you
I try to find
A part of my sorrow
When I saw you are standing there
Spring will come
spring will come
come to me
lets spend time together
If I need to lean on your shoulder
Take a rest my soul for while
Hold My hand
Touch my heart
to share with you
Lets find our match………
If I need to lean on your shoulder
Take a rest my soul for while
Tell me Why
Tell me how
open your heart
and dont fly again
Time goes bye
Love never come
Why I m lonely time to time
Birds always fly back home
If I need to lean on your shoulder
Take a rest my soul for while
Tell me Why
Tell me how
be with you
lets find our match
birds always fly back home
Time goes bye
Love never come
Why I am lonely time to time
Birds always fly back home
If I need to lean on your shoulder
Take a rest my soul for while
Tell me Why
Tell me how
be with you
lets find our match
wrote in jakarta , 2018 performed by Nadya